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World map of joint cooperation projects UHasselt and PXL

The world map shows a selection of countries where PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Hasselt University are implementing projects in collaboration with partner institutions and funded by the Flemish Interuniversity Council - University Development Cooperation (VLIR UOS).


Are you interested in these world wide cooperation projects? Double-click on a country to find the right information for each project, along with the contact persons.

AUHL? The 'Associatie Universiteit - Hogescholen Limburg' (AUHL) connects Hasselt University and PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts. They strengthen cooperation in the field of internationalization and global partnerships on a basis of sharing expertise and exploring possible tracks for further collaboration.      ​


What kind of projects?

Index for type of projects (abbreviations)

- SI: Short initiatives; 


- ITP: International Training Programmes;

- ICP: Scholarships for Master Programmes;

- IUC: International University Cooperation.

Contact international offices:

​- PXL 


- AUHL -

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